Git Hub Work Flow Reference Guide

  1. Create new repository on Git Hub.
  2. Copy the SSH and navigate in Terminal to project location.
  3. Use git clone +SSH ( to clone repository to computer.
  4. Create files needed for project. Use git add (filename.ext) to add file to staging area.
    Or git add . to add all files that are not currently staged.
  5. Use git commit -m "Descriptive Commit message" To commit changes.
  6. Use git push origin main to upload changes to Git Hub.

How to link CSS file to HTML

<link href="resources/css/index.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

CSS Selector Reference Guide

Selector Example Description
#id #fistname selects the element with id= "firstname"
.class .intro selects all elements with class="intro"
element p selects all "p" elements